knowYXE News Desk

Dec 16, 20202 min

First COVID Vaccines Administered in SK

Saskatchewan Health Authority CEO Scott Livingstone delivered the following message after the first COVID vaccines were administered in Regina.

I am very pleased to share with you that earlier this evening the first COVID-19 vaccinations in Saskatchewan were administered at Regina General Hospital. It is a moment to celebrate as it marks a turning point in our ongoing pandemic fight.

It was only seven days ago that I shared with you the news about these vaccines and the pilot project we are now engaging in. In one week our teams were able to mobilize, strategize and execute a plan for the distribution of 1,950 vaccinations in Regina. Together you were able to bring this plan to life, and what we learn from this pilot program will help to refine the rollout of vaccine to the rest of the province.

Tonight we will vaccinate 10 of our colleagues, and tomorrow the COVID-19 Vaccination Pilot Program starts in earnest. SHA staff and physicians in Regina will begin to receive their vaccinations. If you are eligible for the pilot you will have already been contacted, and I encourage you to sign up for it. Your participation in the program can help save lives, including your own.

Soon we will turn towards the task of immunizing the rest of Saskatchewan with this vaccine, and the others in development – it’s the crucial next step towards ending the pandemic. While we work towards that goal please continue to do your part in fighting COVID-19, the struggle is not over yet. Be sure to show your support for our immunization program by wearing the sticker you receive when done. Please help spread the word and encourage all to get vaccinated.

Another way you can help is by sharing your story for our Faces of the Fight series. Your experience can help educate, motivate and uplift others, and I encourage you to share it by emailing us​.

While tonight marks a historic moment we should all celebrate, I encourage you to remind your family and friends that vigilance is still required to save lives. So please, get the message out to everyone you know to wash their​ hands, mask up, physical distance and keep their bubble as small as possible.

Thank you for all that you do to care for our patients and each other. Together we have come this far, and together we will prevail.