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Fire Department concerned over smoke detector tampering

The Saskatoon Fire Department (SFD) is advising the public of a concerning trend in smoke alarm tampering.

Between Monday, November 22 and Wednesday, November 24, SFD responded to two separate fires where smoke alarms had been taken down and removed. An additional 10 properties were identified earlier this month with a total of 13 missing smoke alarms.

“We know working smoke alarms cut the risk of dying in a fire in half. It’s very concerning to see so many properties where the smoke alarms have been tampered with or not installed at all,” says Assistant Chief Yvonne Raymer. “When a fire happens in a home, you may only have seconds to escape. That’s why early detection of a fire is vital and only working smoke alarms can provide those precious seconds.”

Smoke alarms should be installed outside each sleeping area and are most effective when interconnected throughout your home. It is important to test your smoke alarms monthly and change the batteries at least once a year. The entire alarm should be replaced every seven years or sooner if required, according to the manufacturer.

SFD would like to remind residents that tampering or removing life safety devices such as smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms is a criminal offence and can be subject to a fine up to $25,000 for a person held liable of the offence.




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