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Four Men Facing Over 40 Charges Including Kidnapping and Assault

Four males are facing more than 40 charges following an incident in which a woman was forcibly taken from her home over the weekend.

At approximately 11:15 p.m., January 24, 2021 Saskatoon Police were called to a home in the 200 block of Lenore Drive. A 43 year old man reported that three men had entered the home, threatened the male and a 42 year old woman in the home, with firearms. The male was assaulted before the three intruders left the home, taking the female with them. They left the scene in a white GMC Jimmy.

A few minutes later Police located the vehicle at the intersection of Taylor Street East and Acadia Drive. A high-risk vehicle stop was conducted. Two male suspects were located and arrested. The female victim was also inside the SUV and found to be suffering no physical injuries. The third male suspect has not yet been located. A loaded firearm and an airsoft firearm were located in the vehicle. All three are facing numerous charges including; assault, robbery and kidnapping.

Further investigation resulted in the arrest of a fourth male, a 49 year old man, at a home in the 3500 block of Taylor Street East. He is facing one charge of conspire to commit kidnapping.

The 43 year old male victim suffered minor injuries. The victims and suspects are known to each other.




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