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Second Doses Available to 50+ Starting Today (Monday)

Starting Monday, June 14, second dose vaccinations are open to residents 50+ or anyone who received their first dose on or before April 15. Individuals diagnosed with or being treated for cancer and those who have received solid organ transplants will receive a letter of eligibility in the mail that will allow them priority access to a second dose.

Second doses will also be available in the Northern Saskatchewan Administration District to all residents 18+, based on the product's recommended interval from their first dose.

Eligibility to book for second doses is based on age or date of first dose. Residents who meet at least one of these criteria are eligible for their second dose.

When all persons 12 and older become eligible to receive their second doses starting June 24, vaccinations will be provided based on the manufacturer interval. For Moderna, this is 28 days after first dose. For Pfizer, this is 21 days after first dose. Note that residents may receive their second doses up to four months following their first dose but it's highly recommended that you receive your second dose as soon as you are eligible.

A limited number of first doses of AstraZeneca have been administered since May 5 to those individuals who have contraindication for mRNA vaccines. If you received AstraZeneca as recommended by your health care provider after May 5, arrangements will be made to administer your second dose based on current, recommended intervals.





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