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Steep Price Of Lumber Forces Beaver(s) Into Life Of Crime

On May 7, Porcupine Plain RCMP responded to a theft complaint in a rural area. An individual left some posts piled on a property they planned on fencing, only to find they'd gone missing.

Officers began investigating the post-plundering, but the caper was quickly revealed when the posts were spotted in a nearby waterway. "The stolen posts were located in a beaver dam," explains Constable Conrad Rickards of the Porcupine Plain RCMP Detachment. "A beaver – or beavers – helped themselves to the stash of posts and used them to help build a dam. I tried locating said beavers but they were GOA (gone on arrival)."

None of the beavers will face charges, he says. "Who could really blame these little bucktooth bandits, considering the price of wood these days?"

Porcupine Plain RCMP closed this extremely Canadian case.



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